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What’s therapy, and why it is not just for the clinically ill?

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

I have always felt the need to pause, sit and reflect. Long before I got into psychology, I would sit at night reflecting on how my day was, what I am doing in life, and review my ways of being. Now being in the field of therapy, and spending time in reflection with my supervisor, therapist, and clients, my love for the practice of introspection and reflection only grows.

Thinking about what you’re doing, how you’re engaging with others in relationships, what and how you are prioritizing it in life, and so on. All of this reflection is crucial for us to live an intentional, satisfactory life.

Therapy allows one to sit in reflection with another who tries their best to see your world as you do, and yet remain grounded in perspective to help you broaden your lens. Reflection, and understanding along with a connection is the heart of therapy.

Life can be really difficult and challenging at times, often leading us to get wound up in many complexities and chaotic ties within. Therapy allows us to sit with another who helps us look at these knots, and to examine them closely. Therapy can provide us with the space that strengthens our will to open up those knots, and to move forward with peace in our hearts.

Life is challenging for every person alive, it can be painful, and every person can feel broken, lost, lonely, or trapped. Therapy is not just for people who have clinical disorders. It is for everyone. It is a beautiful way to work on ourselves, to gain more awareness about what’s happening within which consequently informs us of what is happening in our external life.

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